

The railway automation is divided into four distinct levels (from bottom to top):

  1. Physical field devices, e.g. turnouts and signals
  2. Field controllers controlling field devices
  3. Signal boxes (NodeMCU devkit)
  4. Remote control (RPi & Codesys)

Devices to be used:

  • Codesys PLC running on Raspberry Pi
  • NodeMCU devkits and Arduinos

Signal boxes will use NodeMCU devkits. More info here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NodeMCU. Connection to remote control will be WiFi. Signal boxes will run http server as well. Thus, operator can “step in” to any signal box with a web browser.

Actual field devices (turnouts & signals) will be controlled by field controllers (Arduino Nanos). Connection to signal box is I2C bus. Field controllers have “standard” software – a controller can control either 4 turnouts or 4 signals (I still have to figure out how to standardize signal software). This is for the sake of software integrity.

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